Just Nosh in the press

We have already been featured in various media. Please note that our snacks were known under the product name Lotus Pops until September 2023. We renamed the snacks to Water Lily Pops in September 2023. However, the products and contents have remained the same ( Why? Read here ).

  • Galileo

    At the beginning of 2023, Galileo will be presented to us in a TV report.

    To the video 
  • Die Deutsche Welle

    In an English article, Deutsche Welle reports on Just Nosh founder Shweta.

    To the video 
  • Tagesspiegel

    In this article from September 20023, you can learn more about our startup.

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  • Die Welt

    Just Nosh is also mentioned in an article about the future of vegetarian food.

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  • SAT.1

    The team from SAT1. Breakfast television visits the Green Week in Berlin and also talks to us.

    To the video 
  • RTL

    Im Rahmen unseres Auftritts bei Die Höhle der Löwen berichtet unter anderem RTL über unsere Water Lily Pops.

    Zum Artikel 

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